Heber Essences promise
Heberl Essences is committed to providing safe products to our consumers. ensuring the safety of our products is a responsibility that we take very seriously. our products comply with all applicable regulations globally.
in fact:
· each year, Heber Essences conducts over 150,000 safety and quality tests to ensure an excellent experience for women around the world.
· all Heber Essences ingredients must be substantiated for safety over a lifetime of intended use prior to marketing. as an example, we conducted over 100 separate safety evaluations in the development of new Heber Essences products in just the last 3 years.
· more than 1,000 Procter & Gamble employees globally, work full time to ensure the safety and regulatory compliance of our products and operations, including more than 500 working directly on product safety.
where can I buy Herbal Essences products?
you can get all of our products at most major retailers, grocery stores and drug stores.
my old Heber Essences shampoo was clear. now I see some opaque shampoos in your lineup. why the change?
we've updated the formulas of some of our shampoos by altering the conditioning content. just like our clear shampoos, these new opaque formulas produce luscious lather and have delightful fragrances. trust us—you'll love 'em!
why is the Herbal Essences packaging different?
when we reformulated our products, we gave them luscious new bottles to match! with many collections to choose from, it's easy to find your color-coded packages
that's a lot of choices! how do I pick a collection?
each collection is designed to address particular hair needs, and each collection smells great! so you can select by hair benefits or by scent. a hint: the collections achieve varying levels of conditioning, and you can pick a formula that's as light or as intense as you'd like. the scale below shows how the collections relate to each other.